Presentation at the "Suitcase Market"
Present arts and crafts at the Suitcase Market
Online since: 19/08/2015,
Number of visits: 214984
For that purpose, I glued a small iron plate to the backside of the box and placed 2 flat block magnets Q-10-10-01-N
on it.
Later I was able to move the magnets around or exchange them for other magnets.
Thanks to the magnets the boxes also adhere to iron nails in walls or wooden planks.
2. Hanging up figurines
I attached floating figurines to a steel panel with small hook magnets BD-FTN-10.That turned out to be a great solution as well.
I can move the figurines around whenever I need to without drilling or glueing!
3. Setting up figurines
I used countersunk pot mangets type CSN-10 to set up figurines by glueing a thin wire on them with UHU MAX REPAIR. Thanks to the magnets, the figurines also adhere well to fridges.
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